Breast Reconstruction

Breast reconstruction is surgery to recreate breasts after a mastectomy. There are several types of breast reconstruction. Some techniques use implants. Others use tissue from your body (such as the belly) to form a breast. Breast reconstruction can happen right after a mastectomy or much later. You may need multiple surgeries over several months. Overview…

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Bariatric surgery may protect against development of breast cancer in women with obesity

n a recent study published in the JAMA Surgery, a group of researchers investigated the association between bariatric surgery and breast cancer incidence in women and determined if baseline insulin levels influence the benefit of bariatric surgery on breast cancer risk. Study: Breast Cancer Risk After Bariatric Surgery and Influence of Insulin Levels A Nonrandomized Controlled Trial.…

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Adding Surgery to Treatment Plan Offers Better Survival for Certain Women Diagnosed With Stage IV Breast Cancer

TOPIC: Diagnosis and Surgery TAGS: Mastectomy, Lumpectomy, and Metastatic/Advanced-stage: Stage IV A combination of surgery and systemic therapy can improve survival more than systemic therapy alone for women diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer with known hormone receptor and HER2 status, according to a study. The research was published in the May 2021 issue of the journal Annals of Surgical Oncology. Read…

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