Andre Landman shares the journey of his incredible transformation and path back to health:
I am Andre Landman and 51 years old and this is my life changing story.
I was diagnosed with type two diabetes was hypertensive and morbid obese . This was about two years ago. Last year I finally made a decision either to continue like this or to get my act together and get my life back. I have joined the Diabetic clinic and that is where I first heard about the Bariatric surgery. At that time I weighed 157 KG and was constantly tired and depressed. I went to see Dr Heidi Malan and with her help the process started. It took a couple of months to arrange and I had to see a couple of specialists and also an psychologist. I met Dr Gert du Toit who did the surgery and he explained to me in detail that this is a life changing procedure and that I will have to life with it for the rest of my life. He also added that I bought myself 20 years of my life back It has been 10 months since the operation and I have lost 70 Kg. I do not take any diabetic medication anymore and I test it daily and it is always around 4-5. My Bp is now 125/75 with a pulse of 55. I cannot eat what I used to but honestly say I do not miss it. The way I feel about myself and also how I feel makes up for that. I would not have been able to do this without the blessing of the LORD and all the wonderful people I have met on this journey.
Surgeon: Dr Gert Du Toit